

Olive helps those who feel completely depleted of their energy reserves and have nothing left to carry on. The Lack of energy could be at any level. In the acute state, those in need of Olive often complain of being too tired to do something or feel completely washed out. Olive can also support exhaustion that usually occurs as the result of situations where a great deal of energy has expended by – overworking, a hard spell of digging in the garden, or exhaustion related to a long-term illness.

SKU: TBF045 Category: Tags: ,


Botanical Name : Olea europara
Indication : Lack of energy, exhaustion to point of tears, tires easily
Outcome : Restoration of strength, vitality and interest in life. Peace of mind.
Emotional : Insufficient interest in present circumstances
Type of Remedy : 7 Helpers
Rescue Remedy :
Social Styles :
Zodiac Sign :
Chakras : Third Eye
Root Emotion : Anger
Reinforce Positive Emotion : Restoration
Dr Bach Groups : Insufficient Interest in Present
Want to Achieve : Live the day
I’m Feeling : I feel tired after making an effort
My Current Circumstances : Exhaustion; No strength to carry on
1 Other Flower Recommendations : Gorse
2 Other Flower Recommendations : Hornbeam

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