

Elm helps those usually competent people, perhaps with responsible jobs, large families, or dependents to care for who suddenly find themselves feeling overburdened, overwhelmed, and uncharacteristically unable to cope with their responsibilities. ‘The last straw that broke the camel’s back’ sums up the negative state of this remedy very well. Short-term use Elm will very quickly help to restore the strength of mind and ability to cope. Taken more long term, Elm will help one’s personality to determine which responsibilities are indeed their own and to counterbalance these with the need for personal nurturing.



Botanical Name : Ulmus procera
Indication : Overwhelmed by responsibility. Feeling tired and depressed
Outcome : Restoration of one’s normal capable personality and self-assurance.
Emotional : Despondency or despair
Type of Remedy : 2nd nineteen
Rescue Remedy :
Social Styles : Amiable
Zodiac Sign :
Chakras : Sacral
Root Emotion : Fear
Reinforce Positive Emotion : Support
Dr Bach Groups : Despondency or Despair
Want to Achieve : Find Joy and Hope
I’m Feeling : I feel overwhelmed by my many responsibilities
My Current Circumstances : Inadequacy; Overwhelmed
1 Other Flower Recommendations : Gentian
2 Other Flower Recommendations : Larch

Additional information

