Crab Apple


Those in need of Crab Apple have temporarily lost sight of their own innate purity and carry underlying feelings of uncleanness, dirtiness or lack of purity, which in extreme states can manifest as obsessions related to housework or bodily cleanliness. They can be fussy, easily upset and have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills when in the negative state. Other indications for this remedy are skin eruptions or compulsive, obsessional behavior of any sort. Crab Apple encourages the positive potential to embrace your body and mind, and accept the imperfections

SKU: TBF019 Category: Tags: ,


Botanical Name : Malus pimila
Indication : Poor self-image, sense of uncleanliness 
Outcome : Acceptance of oneself and one’s imperfections. 
Emotional : Despondency or despair
Type of Remedy : 2nd nineteen
Rescue Remedy :
Social Styles :
Zodiac Sign :
Chakras : Root
Root Emotion : Fear
Reinforce Positive Emotion : Purify
Dr Bach Groups : Despondency or Despair
Want to Achieve : Find Joy and Hope
I’m Feeling : I feel unclean or disliked something about myself
My Current Circumstances : Feeling unclean
1 Other Flower Recommendations : Pine
2 Other Flower Recommendations : Rock Water

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